gracias!TRUE OR FALSE! All scorpios and pisces make direct eye contact almost all the time?
I'm sure there are some who don't.TRUE OR FALSE! All scorpios and pisces make direct eye contact almost all the time?
Im a scorpio....hmmmm. The eye contact thing is tricky....if I feel attracted to someone I cannot look them directly in the eye. If I dont like someone or feel exposed/vulnerable, I cannot look them in the eye. But superficially, I can look people in the eye but they don't really get the person that is really 'me' if that makes sense. Only those I feel I can trust or feel 100% comfortable with will be allowed to have that.
And yes. I can read people very well, even before they've opened their mouths. I can spot even the tiniest lie at 100 paces. I can totally see straight through bullshit. Its very strange how all this works.
Water signs - Scorp, Pisces, Cancer - rely on intuition and gut instincts to get through life and we are rarely incorrect about a situation. Scorpios lead the way here, because the other two are a little more emotional, dreamy and forgiving. We are less tolerant, but by no means harsh.
fyi - scorpio and pisces=an almost perfect combination, as has been discussed many times in this section :-)
False. Zodiac signs are based on what month you are born in, not our personality. There are too many variables to say that ALL of them would make eye contact at all. Consider the reasons somebody would avoid eye contact, and realize that somebody in this category of zodiacs would have the same reason. People are too diefferent.
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't tend to make eye contact unless I'm REALLY comfortable with someone. I've noticed people tend to get sort of uncomfy if I do make direct eye contact, %26amp; I've had quite a few people tell me they feel like I can see right through them when I do that...which I basically can. If I look at someone, I can tell what their true motives are even if they're trying to play it off differently.
True of Scorpio, fixed sign, and energy is outward directed.
False of Pisces, mutable, receptive sign, and energy is inwardly directed.
Probably. Scorpio's and Cancer's are Pisces' best match and vice versa. Both read each other well but the only problem is you don't know who's a Scorpio and who's not just by a glance.
Now you mention it i know two Female scorpios who look into your soul
I dont really know to many pisces..:)
I'm a Scorpio, and I make eye contact whenever somebody is speaking to me.
I would say yes
most of the time
because both signs read people well.
hmm not necessarily. what if their rising sign makes them reluctant to do so?
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