Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can love happen in a twinkle of an eye? True or False?

with one fleeting glance, he winked at me and i'm hooked! i wish it was that simple.Can love happen in a twinkle of an eye? True or False?
True- if you are more on physical aspects.

But the real love? I don't think so. We love the person not just by the looks/ or the face value and over-all appearance. Physical appearance ages. It disappears, our natural human evolution. What's left is the inner character of the person. And we all know that. You can't love and be fall in love just by the looks. Sometime soon we will fall out of love and realizes that love doesn't happen at the twinkle of an eye. Can love happen in a twinkle of an eye? True or False?
Love is a feeling that grows from deeply appreciating each others goodness and learning. If it happened by a mere twinkle of an eye, then it's admiration, and it can grow from there. So, basically YES, love can happen in a twinkle of an eye for admiration can grow into something deeper
Love at first sight is sometimes just a crush or intense attraction. It's a biological basis. True love develops over the passing of time.
Sometimes someone catches your eye and you just know in another life it could have been.
False, you've got to experience being with the person in order for love to develop.
It doesn't have to be a twinkle of an eye but it could be a booger in the eye.
Attraction happens that way but love takes time to develop.
love happens everywhere anywhere anytime anyway
it takes friendship and chemistry...
It's taken me longer, but not much longer.
possibly... though love is blind...
when we allow it to,yes.

i can honestly say.. i have never been that fast. i try to hang in there as long as i can. he!he!

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