Friday, February 12, 2010

Where could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?

Bad idea? I'm tired of taking mascara off every night. I'd go without it, but then I look super tired. Eyeliner irritates my eye, but I wear a little. I'm thinking about just wearing either individual or full false eyelashes instead of having to put any eye make up on. I know that false eyelashes work fine with my eyes, and actually look quite natural. I'm just wondering where I can find a lot for cheap. I know I can wear 1 pair more than once, but I'd pretty much be wearing at least a few individual lashes a day. So, I guess 1 pack of the individual could probably last me a month. I forgot how many comes in one. But anyway, I need YOUR advice! Where can I get some for cheap? Is this a bad idea or better than wearing eye make up and dealing with taking it off every night? Personally, I'd prefer false eyelashes, but what do you think?Where could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?
I just picked some up at Cost Cutters, real easy to use

I'm on a similar track with self tanner taking the place of makeup

great idea on the lashes instead of mascaraWhere could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?
if you're good at putting them on really fast, and you're patient go ahead! I love putting on falsies. The cheapest thing you can buy them at is your local drugstore (if you are willing to buy them everyday) they will run you about 2.50 USD for indeviduals and whole but the best lash adhesive DUO is 6 dollars. OR you can reuse them and clean them. To learn how to do this, watch this video:

and if you're going to reuse them, might as well buy some expensive ones. MAC has the best and looks natural.鈥?/a>
have u considerd getting your eye lashes dyed at a hairdressers/ beauty salon that would make them look darker so u could just get out of bed and go
  • short hair styles
  • ';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?

    Personally, I would be fine with a world where knowing someone's gender would be like knowing the color of their eyes or their blood type - perhaps an interesting bit of personal trivia, but irrelevant in most non-medical practical respects.

    But some argue that ';femininity'; and ';masculinity,'; sets of ideas that prescribe what's ';appropriate'; for men and women in terms of clothing, interests, and certain behaviors, should be preserved for cultural reasons.

    It is, of course, these cultural concepts which are to blame for much of the non-equality between the genders that exists right now. For instance, while a small glass ceiling still exists in science and engineering, most of the disparity in the number of male to female physicists comes from girls thinking that a career in science is ';unladylike.';

    So, would an ideal world in terms of gender equality still have concepts of what is ';masculine'; and ';feminine,'; or not?';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?
    That would be nice.

    However this ';';most of the disparity in the number of male to female physicists comes from girls thinking that a career in science is ';unladylike';'; is completely off base. There are plenty of women in science. Nearly 50% of the med school placements are female now.

    I am female, I don't think its 'unladylike'. I don't care for the term or how you would get valid research by asking about it using that term. The term lady has many different connotations.

    For example, being a nurse and wiping someone's butt is 'ladylike'?';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?
    Green eyes, brown eyes and blue eyes all perform the same function. Males and females do not. I don't think it is possible for gender to be without social implication. Gender roles may be another story. Since they are almost entirly socially and culturally determined, they can also (in theory) be changed or abandoned. However, in my ideal world, the masculine and the feminine are both highly valued and acknowledged as being delightfully complimentary.
    This would be impossible without eliminating sexuality and the desire to have children. A person looking for a partner of the opposite sex will always look differently on a woman than a man because the nature of thier potential relationship is different.

    You could never treat gender as such a basic, meaningless personal trait

    Eye color and blood type do not release hormones to predict and effect physical and yes, psychological, emotional characteristics.
    I don't think it would. It would have ';male'; and ';female,'; obviously, but nobody's behaviour would be dichotomized along those lines.
    Good question. True, I'd say, except for the fact that people would probably pick partners on the basis of their sex, but hopefully not their gender expectations :-)
    That would be HEAVEN. We would all be so much happier and better off.
    You are completely right about teenage girls choosing not to go into 'nerdish' professions. I recently had a conversation with a mother about her 12 year old daughter who loves science. But since she has started hanging out with a new group of girls she has become afraid to admit to this. Peer pressure is a horrible thing. I really hope she'll continue to do well and doesn't get put off by being seen as a 'nerd'.

    Speaking for myself, I was definitely 'steered' more towards the humanities when I was choosing options for A levels. This despite the fact that I had slightly better results in the sciences. I ended up dropping out of sixth form and returning a few years later, to study what I should have been encouraged to do all along. Choosing what path to pursue in life is confusing enough for some people (especially indecisive people like me :-)) and it doesn't make it any easier when teachers have set ideas for what they think certain kids SHOULD be doing.
    not unless you tamper with DNA to ensure that all physical attributes are equal.

    The reality is that we have some gender roles for the good of the populace.

    Generally speaking Men are stronger then women, so men can perform many tasks better than women.

    Women have better balance and this allows them to perform many tasks better than men.

    I can go back and forth about strengths and weaknesses but I think most normal people already figured that out by the age of 14.

    Suffice to say women will never be as good at being a firefighter as men. Ignoring gender traits places the entire species at risk.
    Very good question. This is how I see it. It's ok to say something is masculine or feminine as long as you don't judge that person - pretty much in the same way I can say Oprah is Black without any judgement.

    The unladylike part is just laziness of the mind. Women who think that obviously have already let society or ... whomever... decide for them what is or isn't ladylike.

    I work in construction, and on occasion, I can swear like a sailor, but I am 100% ';lady'; when I want to be. I find most people are uncomfortable with certain facets of themselves and have a hard time accepting who they are. They're sort of afraid to look inside in the first place. They play a role. Yawn.... How boring.
    Yes exactly, and feminine and masculine attributes are just stated by society, which we can see when we examine other cultures which are different to ours.

    But you will always get people with inferiorty complexes that want to swuash someone down to boost their own ego, whether it's toward sex or race.
    As you said, what's considered ';feminine'; and ';masculine'; are defined by the society. Testosterone and brain chemistry can account for aggression and physical strength, but only to a certain degree. Then you look at other cultures where two men dancing together or men wearing dresses and jewellry is socially acceptable and you see cultural influence plays a very large role.

    And I also agree with you in regards to the disparity in the fields of science and engineering, especially when it comes to certain ';studies'; that supposedly indicate men are better suited for the math and science fields. The only thing those studies indicate are differences in spacial thinking, and the results of those studies were construde to make all sorts of erroneous claims. (And before anyone claims all of the greatest scientists were male, consider the fact that women weren't even allowed to attend college until the 20th century).

    Okay so to answer your question, removing femininity and masculinity from the equation would obviously lead to less gender inequity. But then you take a look at some of history's genocides and you'll find that people will always find a way to seperate themselves into other catagories. Blue eyes saved you during the holocaust.
    The question you need to ask is WHY do people have certain expectations of how men and women will behave? The answer, I think, is that expectations are based on observations of what people are actually like.

    You want to explain away the lack of female interest in science and engineering by suggesting that women don't go into these fields because they think they are unladylike, but I think a much likelier explanatation is simply that science and engineering appeal to fewer women than men, hence the perception that science and engineering are masculine occupations. I can't seriously believe that any woman in this day and age who REALLY wants to pursue a career in science or engineering is going to be put off it by thinking that it is 'unladylike' for her to go into those fields. When you have removed the barriers that prevent women entering certain careers (that is, when they are no longer deliberately and legally excluded from following certain jobs) and yet they STILL are not showing any great eagerness to enter them, then you have to look at the possibility that gender differences may have something to do with their lack of interest.

    Look, in the past it was considered 'unladylike' for women to be doctors, but they still broke into the profession in large numbers from the 1850s onwards in the USA. The perception of 'unladylikeness' didn't put off any women who seriously wanted to be doctors. And I don't believe that it would put off any women who seriously wanted to be scientists or engineers. If women are not flocking into these professions in large numbers, then maybe it is because there really aren't that many women who are interested in doing those things.

    You are never going to eliminate the differences between the sexes. The idea that gender could ever be as unimportant as eye or hair colour is absurd, given the supreme importance that gender has in our lives when it comes to selecting a mate for instance. The differences between men and women are of far greater social significance than that of hair or eye colour, and there's no sense in imagining that gender could ever be reduced to the same degree of insignificance.

    Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?

    Let me explain. When talking of false gods I often here about anything that is not ';God,'; in the Abrahamic sense of the word. So, since Jesus was born in the Middle East, was a Hebrew Jew (according to the Bible Matt. 1:1).

    Depicting him in religious ways as a ';western'; white skinned, blue eyed man would be akin to worshiping a false god since Jesus (actually god) was born and was both brown eyed and Hebrew. We are talking 2000 years ago in the Middle East. He was MIddle Eastern if that gives you a better depiction.

    The Q is up top and repeated in the previous paragraph for those who read.Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?
    Absolutely. It is idol worship.

    Jesus couldn't have looked that way.

    Its like putting up a picture of Hulk Hogan and claiming you are worshiping Jesus while picturing the Hulkster.Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?
    You aren't supposed to worship the image anyways. The people's models were western looking so thats how the artists drew them. Artists and anthropologists are usually two different things, especially during the medieval times. The artist most likely had never seen a Middle Eastern Jew and therefore would not have been able to draw one.
    I understand your point. However, all cultures where Christianity is practiced, even in secret, tend to see Jesus the way they look. Since, in Spirit we are one, there isn't any harm in thinking of Him in that way.

    There's a well known Christian song we learn as children in Sunday school. ';Jesus loves the little children; all the little childen of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are prescious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.'; Whethr we're red, or yellow, black or white, that's how we see Him too.
    About like depicting the Buddha as Chinese when he was from India. although Muslim sensitivity about it is silly, as though God can get His feelings hurt, I think it makes perfect sense to not attempt to create images of religious icons for whom we have no contemporaneous depictions. No one knows what Moses, Yeshua, Mohammed, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Confucious, Lao Tzu or any of the other great religious figures looked like, and the only reason anyone creates these images is for idolatrous uses.
    Ever hear of artistic license?

    If I create something in one style, I may repeat the style.

    All you need to know is that he looked older than his years and some people said he looked sad.

    After reading some of these posts I am sad.

    Yesterday, after just reading ';about'; some anti-god books (not the books themselves), I though I was having a heart attack. These were books recommended on here. There are some really sick authors out there when you feel sucker-punched just reading about that stuff.

    You become your thoughts, folks. Control your mind or someone else will do it for you.

    God love you!
    Its just another white propagandist conspiracy. However half the world doesn't even class him as a God too. However if he was white or whatever colour - some say black, then they would be depicted as superior to all other who don't have a similar profile to Jesus' physical form.
    Since Jesus never posed for a painter, nor for a sculptor, no one can say what he looked like.

    People can only wonder, because there is no way to know for sure.

    It doesn't matter what he looked like on earth, what matters is that he paid the price for sin for us and thanks only to him, we are saved.
    No matter how you picture him, white, black, pink or purple he is false. He is man made and even if someone once lived named Jesus he was not the son of a god since none ever existed.
    Whitey would have serious trouble worshipping Jebuz if he looked like one of them dayam terr'rists...
    well it is not false becuase Lord Jesus was real, but he look like arab then a pasty white boy like myself. Mary had some black ancestor too.
    It isn't the image of Jesus that is worshiped, it is His being, so nope... it isn't.
    I do not think his appearance is really that important.
    It's worshipping a false idol for sure.
    Yes!Good one!Somone has been paying attention!Ted Nugent isn't a Jeebus,though he IS trying kinda hard.

    Thats funny.

    'Jesus' WAS black! (or atleast tan)
    First of all, I thought Jesus was the ';son of God';, not God ';Himself';. If you believe that Jesus was God, then do you also believe that anthropomorphizing him, ';God';, as a human being is correct? Personally, I think that it speaks to the hubris of man to make God, the creator of the universe, in man's image.

    Secondly, your European view of Jesus didn't exist until artist began depicting Jesus in artwork. The first artists were of the Roman empire, and so depicted Jesus having similar features to their own countrymen. Hence, European artists make ';European'; Jesus. Remember, people back then didn't see many people with different ethnic features than their own.

    No, not to the people concerned living in Europe though I'm sure Christ looked quite Semitic.

    Well once Islam took over the Middle East a lot of art depicting humans was eliminated since the human form is not permitted in Islamic art. The artists who painted the pictures of Jesus during the middle ages and Renaissance lived at a time where the vast majority of people did not wander any more than 5 or 10 kilometres from their villages. The artists therefore as well as the population only painted and saw the world from their own perspective and had no idea what the 1st century middle eastern culture looked like. Also if you look at the buildings and dress as well as the Roman military in the pictures you can see the artists are totally out to lunch on historical accuracy.


    Michael Kelly

    Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?

    All tigs are bons

    Some cogs are tigs

    Some bons are pabs

    Some pabs are tigs

    Therefore, cogs are definitely pabs... hee hee..good luck.Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?
    that is false. it would only be true if either A) it said SOME cogs are definately pabs or B) that ALL cogs are tigs, ALL bons are pabs AND ALL pabs are tigs.Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?
    may be may be not..........he he
    no that aint tru...


    eye crossers are pigs..

    pigs we eat

    eat we sheet

    pigs have eyes...

    therefore... u do d math ... lol ;)
    false...only some cogs are pabs!

    The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?

    As we age and learn do we more often pick apart and examine everything we were raised with; ie society, politics, theology...?The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?
    That's a good question, because I have seen that be true and false! My grandparents and in-laws were both pretty traditional and somewhat conservative, but as they aged, they became more and more open minded and liberal. I have also experienced people who were contemporaries of my parents (big-time hippies) who now are close-minded and even intolerant.

    I think a lot of it depends on your view of the world, some people seem to grow more fearful and close themselves off from life and new experiences while others continue to be life-long learners.

    I try to examine and challenge my beliefs and thoughts by being open to what others think, and I hope I am always willing to take on new beliefs, as well as dismiss old opinions.The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?
    There is more to a human than flesh and blood. It's not that simple. I can pick apart religion but I cannot deny my Creator. I cannot deny my Savior. And I can't explain spiritual matters to a person without spirit. An unbeliever can turn their ';eye'; inward and they will be found wanting.

    It's interesting that you used the word ';eye';. What does that mean to you?
    My answer to this is definitely true. Think of it this way the more knowledge we encounter it not only calls for us to accept it as the truth but it also calls us to challenge our beliefs (if that truth was not a belief previously held). And unlike one of the users, I believe that true believers have so much faith and knowledge because they questioned their beliefs. When one questions, they search for answers and in turn find truth.
    Absolutely true. The longer I'm a Christian and the more I learn from the Bible, the stronger my faith becomes. I can't believe I finally made a right choice in my life.
    False. The more knowledge we gain the greater our understanding and interest in things outside of ourselves. Our horizons broaden and we look further afield for answers.
    If it is the knowledge of God. It is a gift of God.

    But what you fail to see here is that in this section, religion doesnt allow for the accumulation of knowledge. As an end result, religious beliefs rarely get questioned by true believers, because they are prevented from earning that needed knowledge and growth by the very foundations of their faith.

    Sad really.....

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or False?

    Realistically everyone finds Megan Fox, Jess. Alba, Brad Pitt etc. incredibly attractive. They all have some common features (which im not discussing). i think there is a standard of beauty and that statement is just said to make ugly people feel good. Realistically everyone decides in the first 5 seconds (or less) weather someone is hot or not (im talking strictly physical beauty). And i think people that end up with someone they didnt initially find attractive just gave up on finding a worthwhile good looking person cuz either no one really likes them or their desperate.

    Also think about it like this, think of ur close guy and girl friends. how many of them would you honestly like to date, u love their personality or else u wouldnt be close, but exactly why arent u dating each other? theres an reason for that. and for anyone that says u only wanna be friends is just code for ur friend isnt hot enough, if he/she was ud totally date them.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or False?
    I think your assessment is wrong (I'll ignore the fact that I answered this already the last time you posted it).

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true. I do not find anyone you listed as hot (body, yes; face, no - and face is a big thing for me).

    I am not desperate and did not settle for someone I didn't find attractive. My boyfriend is gorgeous, so I actually consider myself lucky in that regard.

    I'm thinking of my close guy friends. Two I've known over 10 years, so dating them now would be like dating a brother, but I would have zero qualms about setting them up with a friend because they are amazing. (That said, if we weren't that good of friends, didn't have that much history, and I was single, I would totally date them. They would both be a great boyfriend.) One friend, I was actually attracted to when I first met, but he had a girlfriend. Now they're married and have a baby. No way would I date him, even if he was divorced. We're too good of friends now.

    For me, it's not about ';my friend's not hot enough';, it's about our history. If you've known someone your whole life, dating them would be almost like incest! I shut off the attraction years ago; I don't think I'd turn it back on and risk ruining a great relationship. For me, saying ';I only want to be friends'; is not code for anything. It's the truth. I have no issue with telling a guy why I don't want to date him, lol; I wouldn't use some BS excuse like that because I'm not 12 anymore.

    Does wearin ur glasses all the time make ur eye sight more week, and makes u more dependent ? true or false?

    that is true your eyes become more independent and thats why with age the prescription gets stronger and the lenses get thickerDoes wearin ur glasses all the time make ur eye sight more week, and makes u more dependent ? true or false?
    I can definitely make you more dependent on them. But it beats getting headaches from straining. But since I hate contacts, I've made peace with the whole wearing glasses thing. I own about 25 pairs and have something to go with anything that I wear.
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