Friday, February 12, 2010

Where could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?

Bad idea? I'm tired of taking mascara off every night. I'd go without it, but then I look super tired. Eyeliner irritates my eye, but I wear a little. I'm thinking about just wearing either individual or full false eyelashes instead of having to put any eye make up on. I know that false eyelashes work fine with my eyes, and actually look quite natural. I'm just wondering where I can find a lot for cheap. I know I can wear 1 pair more than once, but I'd pretty much be wearing at least a few individual lashes a day. So, I guess 1 pack of the individual could probably last me a month. I forgot how many comes in one. But anyway, I need YOUR advice! Where can I get some for cheap? Is this a bad idea or better than wearing eye make up and dealing with taking it off every night? Personally, I'd prefer false eyelashes, but what do you think?Where could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?
I just picked some up at Cost Cutters, real easy to use

I'm on a similar track with self tanner taking the place of makeup

great idea on the lashes instead of mascaraWhere could I get a lot of cheap false eyelashes. I'm wanting them to take the place of my eye make up..?
if you're good at putting them on really fast, and you're patient go ahead! I love putting on falsies. The cheapest thing you can buy them at is your local drugstore (if you are willing to buy them everyday) they will run you about 2.50 USD for indeviduals and whole but the best lash adhesive DUO is 6 dollars. OR you can reuse them and clean them. To learn how to do this, watch this video:

and if you're going to reuse them, might as well buy some expensive ones. MAC has the best and looks natural.鈥?/a>
have u considerd getting your eye lashes dyed at a hairdressers/ beauty salon that would make them look darker so u could just get out of bed and go
  • short hair styles
  • ';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?

    Personally, I would be fine with a world where knowing someone's gender would be like knowing the color of their eyes or their blood type - perhaps an interesting bit of personal trivia, but irrelevant in most non-medical practical respects.

    But some argue that ';femininity'; and ';masculinity,'; sets of ideas that prescribe what's ';appropriate'; for men and women in terms of clothing, interests, and certain behaviors, should be preserved for cultural reasons.

    It is, of course, these cultural concepts which are to blame for much of the non-equality between the genders that exists right now. For instance, while a small glass ceiling still exists in science and engineering, most of the disparity in the number of male to female physicists comes from girls thinking that a career in science is ';unladylike.';

    So, would an ideal world in terms of gender equality still have concepts of what is ';masculine'; and ';feminine,'; or not?';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?
    That would be nice.

    However this ';';most of the disparity in the number of male to female physicists comes from girls thinking that a career in science is ';unladylike';'; is completely off base. There are plenty of women in science. Nearly 50% of the med school placements are female now.

    I am female, I don't think its 'unladylike'. I don't care for the term or how you would get valid research by asking about it using that term. The term lady has many different connotations.

    For example, being a nurse and wiping someone's butt is 'ladylike'?';Ideally, gender should be as eye color or blood type: completely without social implication.'; True or false?
    Green eyes, brown eyes and blue eyes all perform the same function. Males and females do not. I don't think it is possible for gender to be without social implication. Gender roles may be another story. Since they are almost entirly socially and culturally determined, they can also (in theory) be changed or abandoned. However, in my ideal world, the masculine and the feminine are both highly valued and acknowledged as being delightfully complimentary.
    This would be impossible without eliminating sexuality and the desire to have children. A person looking for a partner of the opposite sex will always look differently on a woman than a man because the nature of thier potential relationship is different.

    You could never treat gender as such a basic, meaningless personal trait

    Eye color and blood type do not release hormones to predict and effect physical and yes, psychological, emotional characteristics.
    I don't think it would. It would have ';male'; and ';female,'; obviously, but nobody's behaviour would be dichotomized along those lines.
    Good question. True, I'd say, except for the fact that people would probably pick partners on the basis of their sex, but hopefully not their gender expectations :-)
    That would be HEAVEN. We would all be so much happier and better off.
    You are completely right about teenage girls choosing not to go into 'nerdish' professions. I recently had a conversation with a mother about her 12 year old daughter who loves science. But since she has started hanging out with a new group of girls she has become afraid to admit to this. Peer pressure is a horrible thing. I really hope she'll continue to do well and doesn't get put off by being seen as a 'nerd'.

    Speaking for myself, I was definitely 'steered' more towards the humanities when I was choosing options for A levels. This despite the fact that I had slightly better results in the sciences. I ended up dropping out of sixth form and returning a few years later, to study what I should have been encouraged to do all along. Choosing what path to pursue in life is confusing enough for some people (especially indecisive people like me :-)) and it doesn't make it any easier when teachers have set ideas for what they think certain kids SHOULD be doing.
    not unless you tamper with DNA to ensure that all physical attributes are equal.

    The reality is that we have some gender roles for the good of the populace.

    Generally speaking Men are stronger then women, so men can perform many tasks better than women.

    Women have better balance and this allows them to perform many tasks better than men.

    I can go back and forth about strengths and weaknesses but I think most normal people already figured that out by the age of 14.

    Suffice to say women will never be as good at being a firefighter as men. Ignoring gender traits places the entire species at risk.
    Very good question. This is how I see it. It's ok to say something is masculine or feminine as long as you don't judge that person - pretty much in the same way I can say Oprah is Black without any judgement.

    The unladylike part is just laziness of the mind. Women who think that obviously have already let society or ... whomever... decide for them what is or isn't ladylike.

    I work in construction, and on occasion, I can swear like a sailor, but I am 100% ';lady'; when I want to be. I find most people are uncomfortable with certain facets of themselves and have a hard time accepting who they are. They're sort of afraid to look inside in the first place. They play a role. Yawn.... How boring.
    Yes exactly, and feminine and masculine attributes are just stated by society, which we can see when we examine other cultures which are different to ours.

    But you will always get people with inferiorty complexes that want to swuash someone down to boost their own ego, whether it's toward sex or race.
    As you said, what's considered ';feminine'; and ';masculine'; are defined by the society. Testosterone and brain chemistry can account for aggression and physical strength, but only to a certain degree. Then you look at other cultures where two men dancing together or men wearing dresses and jewellry is socially acceptable and you see cultural influence plays a very large role.

    And I also agree with you in regards to the disparity in the fields of science and engineering, especially when it comes to certain ';studies'; that supposedly indicate men are better suited for the math and science fields. The only thing those studies indicate are differences in spacial thinking, and the results of those studies were construde to make all sorts of erroneous claims. (And before anyone claims all of the greatest scientists were male, consider the fact that women weren't even allowed to attend college until the 20th century).

    Okay so to answer your question, removing femininity and masculinity from the equation would obviously lead to less gender inequity. But then you take a look at some of history's genocides and you'll find that people will always find a way to seperate themselves into other catagories. Blue eyes saved you during the holocaust.
    The question you need to ask is WHY do people have certain expectations of how men and women will behave? The answer, I think, is that expectations are based on observations of what people are actually like.

    You want to explain away the lack of female interest in science and engineering by suggesting that women don't go into these fields because they think they are unladylike, but I think a much likelier explanatation is simply that science and engineering appeal to fewer women than men, hence the perception that science and engineering are masculine occupations. I can't seriously believe that any woman in this day and age who REALLY wants to pursue a career in science or engineering is going to be put off it by thinking that it is 'unladylike' for her to go into those fields. When you have removed the barriers that prevent women entering certain careers (that is, when they are no longer deliberately and legally excluded from following certain jobs) and yet they STILL are not showing any great eagerness to enter them, then you have to look at the possibility that gender differences may have something to do with their lack of interest.

    Look, in the past it was considered 'unladylike' for women to be doctors, but they still broke into the profession in large numbers from the 1850s onwards in the USA. The perception of 'unladylikeness' didn't put off any women who seriously wanted to be doctors. And I don't believe that it would put off any women who seriously wanted to be scientists or engineers. If women are not flocking into these professions in large numbers, then maybe it is because there really aren't that many women who are interested in doing those things.

    You are never going to eliminate the differences between the sexes. The idea that gender could ever be as unimportant as eye or hair colour is absurd, given the supreme importance that gender has in our lives when it comes to selecting a mate for instance. The differences between men and women are of far greater social significance than that of hair or eye colour, and there's no sense in imagining that gender could ever be reduced to the same degree of insignificance.

    Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?

    Let me explain. When talking of false gods I often here about anything that is not ';God,'; in the Abrahamic sense of the word. So, since Jesus was born in the Middle East, was a Hebrew Jew (according to the Bible Matt. 1:1).

    Depicting him in religious ways as a ';western'; white skinned, blue eyed man would be akin to worshiping a false god since Jesus (actually god) was born and was both brown eyed and Hebrew. We are talking 2000 years ago in the Middle East. He was MIddle Eastern if that gives you a better depiction.

    The Q is up top and repeated in the previous paragraph for those who read.Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?
    Absolutely. It is idol worship.

    Jesus couldn't have looked that way.

    Its like putting up a picture of Hulk Hogan and claiming you are worshiping Jesus while picturing the Hulkster.Isn't a blue eyed, white skinned depiction of Jesus in truth a false god?
    You aren't supposed to worship the image anyways. The people's models were western looking so thats how the artists drew them. Artists and anthropologists are usually two different things, especially during the medieval times. The artist most likely had never seen a Middle Eastern Jew and therefore would not have been able to draw one.
    I understand your point. However, all cultures where Christianity is practiced, even in secret, tend to see Jesus the way they look. Since, in Spirit we are one, there isn't any harm in thinking of Him in that way.

    There's a well known Christian song we learn as children in Sunday school. ';Jesus loves the little children; all the little childen of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are prescious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.'; Whethr we're red, or yellow, black or white, that's how we see Him too.
    About like depicting the Buddha as Chinese when he was from India. although Muslim sensitivity about it is silly, as though God can get His feelings hurt, I think it makes perfect sense to not attempt to create images of religious icons for whom we have no contemporaneous depictions. No one knows what Moses, Yeshua, Mohammed, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Confucious, Lao Tzu or any of the other great religious figures looked like, and the only reason anyone creates these images is for idolatrous uses.
    Ever hear of artistic license?

    If I create something in one style, I may repeat the style.

    All you need to know is that he looked older than his years and some people said he looked sad.

    After reading some of these posts I am sad.

    Yesterday, after just reading ';about'; some anti-god books (not the books themselves), I though I was having a heart attack. These were books recommended on here. There are some really sick authors out there when you feel sucker-punched just reading about that stuff.

    You become your thoughts, folks. Control your mind or someone else will do it for you.

    God love you!
    Its just another white propagandist conspiracy. However half the world doesn't even class him as a God too. However if he was white or whatever colour - some say black, then they would be depicted as superior to all other who don't have a similar profile to Jesus' physical form.
    Since Jesus never posed for a painter, nor for a sculptor, no one can say what he looked like.

    People can only wonder, because there is no way to know for sure.

    It doesn't matter what he looked like on earth, what matters is that he paid the price for sin for us and thanks only to him, we are saved.
    No matter how you picture him, white, black, pink or purple he is false. He is man made and even if someone once lived named Jesus he was not the son of a god since none ever existed.
    Whitey would have serious trouble worshipping Jebuz if he looked like one of them dayam terr'rists...
    well it is not false becuase Lord Jesus was real, but he look like arab then a pasty white boy like myself. Mary had some black ancestor too.
    It isn't the image of Jesus that is worshiped, it is His being, so nope... it isn't.
    I do not think his appearance is really that important.
    It's worshipping a false idol for sure.
    Yes!Good one!Somone has been paying attention!Ted Nugent isn't a Jeebus,though he IS trying kinda hard.

    Thats funny.

    'Jesus' WAS black! (or atleast tan)
    First of all, I thought Jesus was the ';son of God';, not God ';Himself';. If you believe that Jesus was God, then do you also believe that anthropomorphizing him, ';God';, as a human being is correct? Personally, I think that it speaks to the hubris of man to make God, the creator of the universe, in man's image.

    Secondly, your European view of Jesus didn't exist until artist began depicting Jesus in artwork. The first artists were of the Roman empire, and so depicted Jesus having similar features to their own countrymen. Hence, European artists make ';European'; Jesus. Remember, people back then didn't see many people with different ethnic features than their own.

    No, not to the people concerned living in Europe though I'm sure Christ looked quite Semitic.

    Well once Islam took over the Middle East a lot of art depicting humans was eliminated since the human form is not permitted in Islamic art. The artists who painted the pictures of Jesus during the middle ages and Renaissance lived at a time where the vast majority of people did not wander any more than 5 or 10 kilometres from their villages. The artists therefore as well as the population only painted and saw the world from their own perspective and had no idea what the 1st century middle eastern culture looked like. Also if you look at the buildings and dress as well as the Roman military in the pictures you can see the artists are totally out to lunch on historical accuracy.


    Michael Kelly

    Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?

    All tigs are bons

    Some cogs are tigs

    Some bons are pabs

    Some pabs are tigs

    Therefore, cogs are definitely pabs... hee hee..good luck.Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?
    that is false. it would only be true if either A) it said SOME cogs are definately pabs or B) that ALL cogs are tigs, ALL bons are pabs AND ALL pabs are tigs.Eye tell me if the segment below is TRUE or FALSE?
    may be may be not..........he he
    no that aint tru...


    eye crossers are pigs..

    pigs we eat

    eat we sheet

    pigs have eyes...

    therefore... u do d math ... lol ;)
    false...only some cogs are pabs!

    The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?

    As we age and learn do we more often pick apart and examine everything we were raised with; ie society, politics, theology...?The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?
    That's a good question, because I have seen that be true and false! My grandparents and in-laws were both pretty traditional and somewhat conservative, but as they aged, they became more and more open minded and liberal. I have also experienced people who were contemporaries of my parents (big-time hippies) who now are close-minded and even intolerant.

    I think a lot of it depends on your view of the world, some people seem to grow more fearful and close themselves off from life and new experiences while others continue to be life-long learners.

    I try to examine and challenge my beliefs and thoughts by being open to what others think, and I hope I am always willing to take on new beliefs, as well as dismiss old opinions.The more knowledge we gain, the more we turn the eye inward and examine our internal beliefs. True or false?
    There is more to a human than flesh and blood. It's not that simple. I can pick apart religion but I cannot deny my Creator. I cannot deny my Savior. And I can't explain spiritual matters to a person without spirit. An unbeliever can turn their ';eye'; inward and they will be found wanting.

    It's interesting that you used the word ';eye';. What does that mean to you?
    My answer to this is definitely true. Think of it this way the more knowledge we encounter it not only calls for us to accept it as the truth but it also calls us to challenge our beliefs (if that truth was not a belief previously held). And unlike one of the users, I believe that true believers have so much faith and knowledge because they questioned their beliefs. When one questions, they search for answers and in turn find truth.
    Absolutely true. The longer I'm a Christian and the more I learn from the Bible, the stronger my faith becomes. I can't believe I finally made a right choice in my life.
    False. The more knowledge we gain the greater our understanding and interest in things outside of ourselves. Our horizons broaden and we look further afield for answers.
    If it is the knowledge of God. It is a gift of God.

    But what you fail to see here is that in this section, religion doesnt allow for the accumulation of knowledge. As an end result, religious beliefs rarely get questioned by true believers, because they are prevented from earning that needed knowledge and growth by the very foundations of their faith.

    Sad really.....

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or False?

    Realistically everyone finds Megan Fox, Jess. Alba, Brad Pitt etc. incredibly attractive. They all have some common features (which im not discussing). i think there is a standard of beauty and that statement is just said to make ugly people feel good. Realistically everyone decides in the first 5 seconds (or less) weather someone is hot or not (im talking strictly physical beauty). And i think people that end up with someone they didnt initially find attractive just gave up on finding a worthwhile good looking person cuz either no one really likes them or their desperate.

    Also think about it like this, think of ur close guy and girl friends. how many of them would you honestly like to date, u love their personality or else u wouldnt be close, but exactly why arent u dating each other? theres an reason for that. and for anyone that says u only wanna be friends is just code for ur friend isnt hot enough, if he/she was ud totally date them.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or False?
    I think your assessment is wrong (I'll ignore the fact that I answered this already the last time you posted it).

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, true. I do not find anyone you listed as hot (body, yes; face, no - and face is a big thing for me).

    I am not desperate and did not settle for someone I didn't find attractive. My boyfriend is gorgeous, so I actually consider myself lucky in that regard.

    I'm thinking of my close guy friends. Two I've known over 10 years, so dating them now would be like dating a brother, but I would have zero qualms about setting them up with a friend because they are amazing. (That said, if we weren't that good of friends, didn't have that much history, and I was single, I would totally date them. They would both be a great boyfriend.) One friend, I was actually attracted to when I first met, but he had a girlfriend. Now they're married and have a baby. No way would I date him, even if he was divorced. We're too good of friends now.

    For me, it's not about ';my friend's not hot enough';, it's about our history. If you've known someone your whole life, dating them would be almost like incest! I shut off the attraction years ago; I don't think I'd turn it back on and risk ruining a great relationship. For me, saying ';I only want to be friends'; is not code for anything. It's the truth. I have no issue with telling a guy why I don't want to date him, lol; I wouldn't use some BS excuse like that because I'm not 12 anymore.

    Does wearin ur glasses all the time make ur eye sight more week, and makes u more dependent ? true or false?

    that is true your eyes become more independent and thats why with age the prescription gets stronger and the lenses get thickerDoes wearin ur glasses all the time make ur eye sight more week, and makes u more dependent ? true or false?
    I can definitely make you more dependent on them. But it beats getting headaches from straining. But since I hate contacts, I've made peace with the whole wearing glasses thing. I own about 25 pairs and have something to go with anything that I wear.
  • short hair styles
  • How do I apply eye make-up while wearing false eyelashes?

    This year I am going to a big neighborhood halloween party (the people always go over the top). I already decided on a costume; a sexy cop. I am going to really get into the character this year, so I am going the whole nine yards (fake nails, real cuffs, cleavage cups, etc). I bought some fake eyelashes to complete the part. I know how to apply them but I was planning on doing a ';smokey'; look. I have primer and everything else I need... I am just wondering how I would go about applying false lashes AND primer, eyeshadow, and eyeliner without the adhesive bond breaking. Any tips?How do I apply eye make-up while wearing false eyelashes?
    i like your costume idea haha

    well i get A lot of tips from youtube =]. Michelle Phan is an amazing make up artist. Here is a few things i got from her. You do everything but the lashes (primer, eyeshadow, liner No mascara yettt!) Make sure the lashes fit. Put a thin line of lash glue on them and wait until it gets sticky. Put them on as close as possible to the lash line and wait until completely dry. Then put more eyeliner on your eye to even out and make them seem real. Curl the lashes and apply a generous amount of mascara.How do I apply eye make-up while wearing false eyelashes?
    youre supposed to apply the false lashes last.

    first prime your lids, apply the eyeshadows, do your eyeliner, and then false lashes last (:
    First you can put on the makeup and then put on the false eyelashes and still look fabulous.
    you apply them last, %26amp; if the glue looks white or something, it dries clear

    Have you ever been attacked by a false god or something not seen by the natural eye?

    I just want to see if there's anyone in here that's had over come some experiences like I've had.Have you ever been attacked by a false god or something not seen by the natural eye?
    Sure I have been attacked by spirits .They are every where they are present to try to influence our daily lives.Now wether the spirit or good or bad you will know if you have God in your life,but yes I have been attacked and I'm just thankful someone was there to pray for me at the time.Have you ever been attacked by a false god or something not seen by the natural eye?
    A couple of my friends god posessed by Jesus, they haven't been the same since... they claim he lives inside them too... I'm tempted to try an exorcism.

    Ever get lulled into a false sense of security while staring into Larry King's eye lashes?

    I swear he is plotting on stealing my elbows, what should I do?Ever get lulled into a false sense of security while staring into Larry King's eye lashes?
    Shave your eyebrows off and send them to Britney Spears.Ever get lulled into a false sense of security while staring into Larry King's eye lashes?
    No. He creeps me out.
    Yah, Larry king makes me hot.
    that sounds a little hairy
    can't say that i have...
    yea, that's why you should make sure to lock the doors and windows before you go to sleep. Dont be like your friend John Stamos who always leave 'em open!!
    No I think his kinda hot in an old kinda way, give him your elbow don't be greedy
    NO you are stange indeed....You need help fast....
    lol, I rarely notice them as I change channels, but I am trying to picture him with mono brow or something.......

    I want to watch that channel, now, lol. Good advertising work.....
    let him then he will owe you!!!!world domination
    run the other way

    but you don't have to go fast

    he is old

    True or False: You've Had A Black Eye?

    If True, share your experience please.True or False: You've Had A Black Eye?
    true! from a dude! cause i will talk my sheet and he told me if i did not shut up he was gonna punch me and i kept talking. he was talking lies about me and i was flabbergasted that he would say such things when he had so much about him to be exposed. he kept going so did i, except he was getting heated, and couldn't take it. he was lost minded to think i was gonna let him clown me w/o getting it back! any wayyyyyyyyys my first and only shiner was from a guy and trust me he got a run for his money!True or False: You've Had A Black Eye?
    I almost did. You see, I was the goalie, and the ball came straight at me, and hit me smack on my left eye and slightly on my nose. It didn't actually bruise, but it hurt! And that's true.
    True. I had two black eyes after some dental surgery.
    false I have never had an black eye
    false - never
    True. Got punched in the eye with someones fist.
    False--I've had pink eye
    true....kicked by my friends lil sister(like 14yrs ago)

    haven't had one since=(
    True. I fell out of the bath many years ago and whacked my cheek bone on the sink. I woke up with a black eye and a shiner !!
    I trod on a rake at a allotment, blackened my eye and broke my nose it was horrendous
    true I got one on my 26th birthday and don't know how
    door knob, i was hiding, then someone opened the door and kaboom!!
    i have not had a black eye. my daughter came home from college with a black eye. she walked home and a boy hit her. my grandson fall in the bath and got a black eye.

    Why do some Christians call Catholics false Christians? Do they have an ember in their eye?

    Because Catholics aren't biblical and therefore are not ChristiansWhy do some Christians call Catholics false Christians? Do they have an ember in their eye?
    Jesus answered, ';I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.( John 14:6) This plainly says Jesus is the only way to heaven.Why do some Christians call Catholics false Christians? Do they have an ember in their eye?
    Not necessarily.

    Many of them are simply easily deceived, and the rest obviously don't care enough to learn the truth.

    In today's information age, there's really no excuse for either position.

    Anyone can do the authentic research and easily prove that the Catholic Church is everything Jesus set out to make it, and more.

    The guys who claim to be ex-Catholics really crack me up. They're either liars or fools. Nobody really knows which. Not even them.
    Everyone needs an enemy, it seems. Let Christianity destroy itself via petty disputes.
    Christians who judge other for there beliefs are not real Christians. The Catholic church dose disagree with other forms of Christianity but it dose not judge them.

    ';Let he who is without sin cast the first stone';
    Are they Christians themselves, eh?
    Most people who call Catholics false Christians aren't Christians either.
    Mandy957 is badly misinformed. Non- Catholic Western Christians believe that the bible is the only source of authority for what we are to believe. Orthodox and Catholic Christians believe that the bishops are that authority. These same bishops have defined what is to believed in the scriptures and in the General Councils of the bishops. Since Western Non-Catholic Christians have rejected the belief in a priesthood who still carries out the priesthood of Christ, they must reject the authority of the bishops and the General Councils.
    I'm an ex-Catholic.

    It's a long story, theologically, but I'll try to give you a condensed version.

    The Catholic Church really is just what the Roman Empire morphed into, as a survival tactic.

    Constantine created it, and wasn't ';really'; a convert himself, because if you read history, you will see the reference of his ';vision'; to combine Rome with Christianity, yet it also says he had his conversion on his death bed.

    So, it was a political manuever, basically.

    As a result, Catholic theology is a hybrid of Christian doctrine and Roman paganism.

    For instance, there's no such thing as a ';Nun'; in the bible, yet there were ';Vestial Virgins'; in Rome paganism.

    So they morphed into Nuns.

    Also, one name for the Roman Emperor in pre-Christian times, was ';Pontiff';.

    There was no pope from the time of Christ, until Constantine.

    The Pope is really just the Christianized-Roman Emperor.

    I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.
    They have never heard the saying of the pot calling the kettle black.
    probably because theyre not catholics and *know* that their sect is the right sect...i'm sure some catholics do the same

    its a fundy thang
    they strive to bring us down to their level. they are so very unbiblical its pityful. the bible itself is so clear that personal interpretation is not the way to understand scripture, but they do it anyway to their own destruction, as the bible says of these people.

    the bible says nothing defiled shall enter heaven, yet they think that somehow their sins will leave no stain on their soul, forgiven but not atoned for sin requires a purification, they think Jesus dying on the cross is the answer to all their soul problems, they fail to realize if they do not cooperate with Jesus, who built his church for our sanctification they cannot be saved, because they refuse to be obedient servants, they prefer to be their own popes, their own masters, be obedient to none but themselves. the bible says the flesh of Jesus is real but they say it is a symbol, the man made traditions of protestants is abhorent, Im so thankful I aint one of them, but I realize only by the graceof God that I am not.

    False eye lashes?

    ok i bought false eye lashes.. i like how thick they are but they are way too long. is there a way i can cut them a little bit but not ruin them?False eye lashes?
    I use grooming scissors for eyebrows, they are easier to control and are curved. Never use nail clippers or straight scissors.....False eye lashes?
    yeah def. you could cut they just a little, make sure they are all equal. it will look fine. =]
    use nail clippers to cut them to the size you want :]
    you mean fake eyelashes?!

    um..yahh u juss cut them to the perfect length..

    hold them in place..and see how long u want them..

    then hold ur finger at the right length..nd then cut them

    with sharp scissors..make sure u cut them alll the same length..

    cut them with eye bro scissors
  • short hair styles
  • Are false eye lashes hard to remove and do u buy new ones every time u want to wear them?

    i have never had them before and i wanted a new look for the holiday season and wondered if this was a good or bad idea?Are false eye lashes hard to remove and do u buy new ones every time u want to wear them?
    You can go to a salon and have them put on..they last about a month.

    A bit more expensive, but more natural looking.

    IF you decide to go the ';do it yourself route'; Practice first and get the individual lashes instead of the full ones.

    They are easy to take off..Ponds cold cream.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or false?

    And why?Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or false?
    true true true !

    once you look into someone eyes, you see the beauty in them =)


    Everyone has a different idea of whats beautiful. Everyone views things differently. basically, no one can tell you you're not beautiful because we all view beauty differently.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? True or false?
    To a certain extent, yes. I'll quote Per Gessle (swedish singer, was also a member of Roxette if you've ever heard about them?) anyway, in one of his song he says: Love is not blind, but it needs glasses.

    When you get to know someone they become more beautiful in your eyes because their personality is shining through. The more you like someone the more beautiful they become.

    Also, different people like different looks. A lot of times me and my friends don't agree on if some guy is good looking or not. I think it depends on what faces you saw when you grew up and became accustomed to.

    /EDIT/ Fun Fact: the reason people often think they look bad on photos while other thinks you look like you always do, is that they don't see just you physical appearance when they look at it, they see your personality as well. When you yourself look at the picture all you see is your own appearance.
    True because what one may think is pretty the other may think it is ugly. People, cars, houses what ever it may be.
    True...don't know why! I mean I do but it takes a while to explain.
    I think that is true.

    Do you think Harry Reid(On the false Rush) story should pull the speck of dust out his eye before talking ?

    Harry ';We already lost the war'; Reid should smack himself for saying Rush insulted troops and should apologize. Harry Reid's own feeling, actions, and words have done far more to demoralize our brave soldiers in Iraq than most anyone else could. Rush was probably cheered, and will continue to be cheered on by soldiers in our military for calling out phony soldiers who pretend to be something they aren't just so they can promote their agenda.

    Reid and the rest of the liberals in charge, not all liberals here I respect the ones in the House and Senate who blasted Moveon, are on damage control mode right now because they were determined to make Iraq a failure, which hasn't worked out well for them since the surge, and try to look like pro-military types after refusing to condemn Moveon and George Soros for the Gen. Betray us ad.

    America is waking up to the policies and hatred of the far left, and their also realising how much sway the far left holds on some of the democrats in power in Washington. It's only a matter of time before these far left, anti-American ';leaders'; are booted out by the people and that day can't come soon enough.Do you think Harry Reid(On the false Rush) story should pull the speck of dust out his eye before talking ?
    I think he need to retire. His whole purpose is to put the other party down and doesn't contribute anything to the good of the people anymore.Do you think Harry Reid(On the false Rush) story should pull the speck of dust out his eye before talking ?
    When I thought they could descend no further into the gutter after insulting the general, Harry Reid keeps surprising me with a willingness to lower that bar even further.

    Carol should probably be forgiven for listening to the brain dead propaganda. Wow, it is sad though.
    The problem with Harry Reid (as well as Jack Murtha) is that they only support free speech when they talk, yes Rush said fake soldiers, then clarified his statement to mention a single name.

    Personally, I think that the soldier was a liberal media plant, interviewed to validate a twisted story to make it seem genuine.

    With all of the brothels in the state of Nevada, it is little wonder that Reid is the whore of Congress, and Murtha is his PIMP
    When a true genius arises you will know him by this sign: that all the dunces will be in confederacy against him. (Jonathan Swift).

    Don't even get me started on harry reid. He makes me miss Tom Dasshole.
    He is like a festering cold sore

    exposing the underlying virus of neolibs...
    He's nothing but hack job politician who the people Nevada should be ashamed of.
    I am not sure what you mean about pulling the speck of dust out of his eye before talking, but if you mean apologize, yes.

    Concerning %26lt;Carol%26gt;'s and Moderate-one's Profile's answers

    You both are mistaken. If you don't listen to Rush, don't slander him. He does more good for this country than any other person on in media or in politics for that matter. I challenge both of you two listen to him for three weeks. He might be loud, opinionated and boisterous but it doesn't make him wrong. Yea, lets get rid of Rush then the government can really pull the wool over our eyes. I don't agree with him on everything he says, but he does care about what happens in this country. No one could be that passionate about politics, unless they did.
    Yes because he didn't even bother to check out the facts before he attacked Rush.
    The speck of dust out of his eye, the blinders off of his eyes, the fog out of his brain and the poison off of his tongue. This man is pure evil. He is out and out lying and he does it with knowledge of that fact and with a purpose to destroy someone who is a danger to the Dems and Libs because he has a podium from which to spread the truth. Rush Limbaugh has always supported the troops. If you know one thing about him, you know that, for sure. He was, when he made his statements, defending the honor of our soldiers who honorably serve and do so with pride and determination to represent our Country and preserve our freedoms. The ';non-soldier'; he was discussing was and is a liar and story teller. He didn't serve, he didn't win any medals, he didn't see all the atrocities that he chose to make up as if they were fact and then further the lie by publicizing it. The man never even made it out of boot camp!! He needed to be shown for what he is and Rush did just that. Harry Reid heard the entire conversation but chose to take it out of context and put a small portion out so it appeared as if Rush was saying something he never said. Fortunately for those who would take Reid at his word, those doubters can go and check out the archives of Rush's programs and hear the entire show. There is no doubt about what he was saying and why he was saying it. Instead of giving support for the truth and denouncing the liar, who IS a ';false soldier';, the Dems decided to further the lie and try to defame Rush, something they need to do to shut him down. What happened when Moveon went out and bashed a military hero and representative with their lies? Nothing at all!! (But, the public did not appreciate the way Petraeus was treated and let it be known.) Too bad for the Dems who refused to denounce Moveon. Made them look like a bunch of fools and it backfired. People need to wake up and they also need to speak the truth. Enough with the twists and lies. We don't need more liars to feed us the information that they want us to hear. There are too many ';socialists'; in high places and this needs to be resolved by voting them out and calling them on their dishonest representations. Enough, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    it's amazing how reid forgets everything ';he'; has said.....Harry Reid is a pathetica F(*%26amp;!!!!............... What's also great is the simple fact that alot of americans are starting to realize what the democrats are all out!!!
    Harry Reid is a bug. An insignificant little bug with a big ego who unfortunately has risen to a position where he is dangerous.
    I think it would be better if he pulled his head out of his as$ before talking.
    Absolutely! I like how the liberals like to point out that Rush said McBeth's name TWO WHOLE MINUTES AFTER THE CONVERSATION! OH MY GOD! Maybe it occurred to Rush a couple minutes later that he had to acknowledge McBeth's name, because he probably knew in the back of his mind the far left idiots would try to spin this! And for them to point out it was two whole minutes later, just shows the kind of scrutiny that conservative radio talk show hosts go through. Everything they say is recorded and analyzed by these idots at Media Matters, and all the other far left smear organizations, searching for the golden snippet to allow them to smear, demonize and take the wind out of the conservative moments sail!
    It is amazing that we would have a guy like this in a leadership position, especially during a time of war. Harry Reid could not lead a group of people out of a burning building and I believe that stroke he had ruined the two brain cells he had in the peanut head of his.

    Harry Reid is a disgrace to this country
    I thought that was a mud clot.
    The speck out of his eye....his head out of his a... That man needs to go away and take that dream act crap with him.
    Harry Reid ';can't handle the truth.'; That's why he has to twist the truth to suit his own needs, which is to fool the public. He has hit an all time low, as have the liberals in Congress. The liberals have low moral standards.
    I have little use for Dirty Harry, but Rush has been slinging dirt for a long time, so maybe this time he too will have to be accountable for his words
    I think he is right about Rush. Rush did say the comment and then added the name of the soldier about 2 minutes later. He needs to be taken down.

    Eye contact is a sign that you like someone true or false?

    whether it is true or false, you should. You can tell a lot from looking someone in the eye. I disagree that looking someone in the eye is rude. It depends on the context. If you are passing a stranger on the street, you might want to avoid eye contact. However, if you are referring to someone you love, looking at them in the eye is a sign of love. You can't try to answer the question based on personal experience. Psychology is a science. They measure variables and come up with an outcome. One interesting facet that has been based on empirical research is that one's pupils become enlarged when interacting with someone they love (or like).

    So next time you are interacting with a loved one, look them in the eye.Eye contact is a sign that you like someone true or false?
    FALSE! For me, I make eye contact with someone I respect, not necessarily like. Also, eye contact can mean that you're confident. Of course, you can also glare...Eye contact is a sign that you like someone true or false?
    Not necessarily a sign, but it is sexy when there is chemistry.
    yes very true........

    not all the time.

    its a 50/50 thing.

    maybe theyre being polite and looking at you while you talk.

    maybe they are mezmorized by your hotness.

    you can never tell.

    thats like saying:

    ';is someone in love with me if they hold a door for me?';
    True =)
    that you have good communication skills, aren't shy with that person, want to look at their eyes, wondering what they meant, or what they are thinking, take them seriously, acknowledge them, and yes, like them.
    Eye contact is not a sign that u like someone...eye contact held for a longer than usual period of time is.....
    It's simply a sign that you're curious......who knows until you do more than that.
    Not, always, someone might be shy and like someone, but not look at them.
    Psychologists say true I say false. I was tought never to look sum1 in the eyes b/c it shows that you are challengeing them and that its rude. Now I cant ever look sum1 in the eyes 4 more then 2 seconds without having to look away. No mtr how much I want to.
    Looking someone in the eye when speaking to them or listening is the proper thing to do. It does not mean that you like them. Eye contact from across the room would most likely mean someone has an interest in you.

    If you found a glass eye in your soup and false teeth in your beer from a dinner would you ask for....?

    would you ask for another meal or lose your appetite and demand your money back right away?If you found a glass eye in your soup and false teeth in your beer from a dinner would you ask for....?
    eat it then sue....lolIf you found a glass eye in your soup and false teeth in your beer from a dinner would you ask for....?
    i wouldn't ask for another meal! what is your problem? i would get my money back and put them out of business!
    ask for my money back and leave and never return
    I would hightail it out of there without paying the bill and never go back there.
    I would ask where the hell was the peg leg so I could pick the crap out of my teeth!!!!LOL!!!!
    I would drink the beer and eat the soup and save the eye and teeth for my Mom lol
    i'd ask 4 another meal %26amp; check if there r jewelries 2b found

    if there's none, im gonna sue them.. how's that?
    leave %26amp; puke
    I'd put them in my pocket, finish my beer, leave a 15% tip, and slowly exit the diner... You never know when a glass eye and a set of false teeth will come in handy.
    Dude,I would definitely ask for my money back! And never eat at that place again!
    Lose my appetite.........and puke
    First I'd check to see if they were mine. If they weren't, then I'd lose my appetite and demand my money back. If they were mine, then I'd try and put everything back where it belonged and go on about my business.

    True or false? Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder?

    true datTrue or false? Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder?
    definitely true, the more beers you've had the prettier the other person isTrue or false? Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder?
    Everything looks better through rose colored glasses.
    ha ha everything gets purdyer at closing time did you take a big fat ugly one home last night..kidding..
    and nobody's ugly after 2 AM !
    yup, that ones true.
    rubbish. just something ugly people say !
    absolutely true.
    so true. lol
    True.Everyone has their own opinon on beauty.
    yes for sure
    True! You see a couple together sometimes and you really wonder what did He or She see in the other.
    Absolutely true.
    Absolutely. My buddy loves anything blonde -- ANYTHING. Another buddy only likes spanish women.



    LOL. True.
    so true.

    but society pretty much dictates what we think of a beautiful, thats why many of us find ourselves lumbered with people we don't really like, just so as we can fit in with what is popular. It's very sad.

    Absolutely. The more beers, the better your beer goggles can focus.
    true..i was in love with someone for 10 yrs. then one day i sobered up and i had to hit the road
  • short hair styles
  • Are these supposedly ';false advices'; regarding proper eye care really untrue? What do you think?

    As I was reading Joyce M. Black’s Medical Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition, I read a boxed article which caught my attention. The article read as follows:

    Common Misconception about vision and the Eyes

    The following statements are often passed along as “advice.” All of the following are false:

    1. Reading in the dark is harmful to the eyes

    2. Children will outgrow crossed eyes.

    3. A cataract is a film growing over the surface of the eye.

    4. Cataracts must ripen before they are removed.

    5. The surgeon takes out the eye to operate it.

    6. A person with failing eyesight should avoid reading to save the eyes.

    7. Children must be cautioned not to sit too close to the television.

    8. Wearing someone else’s eyeglasses may damage your eyes.

    9. Misuse of the eyes in childhood results in the need for eyeglasses later in life.

    10. Cataracts can be removed by a laser.

    11. Emotional stress increases intraocular pressure.

    I know that some of the items presented are actually fallacious… but I’ve always though of items number 1, 7, 8 and 9 as facts. How come these items are actually false?

    Please tell me what you think. As much as possible, please give scientific rationales.

    Thank you and good day!Are these supposedly ';false advices'; regarding proper eye care really untrue? What do you think?
    I think all of these being false would reflect the current establishment views on things. There is still some question about how myopia (near sightedness) develops. Some still believe there is an aspect of focusing up close that contributes to it. If that is the case than, 1 could be true of children and 9 may be true. Children don't sit close enough to the TV to have to focus very much. At one time there was fear about radiation from TVs damaging your eyes. Chances are right now you are sitting closer to a screen like what is used in TVs than you ever tried to as a child. Wearing other peoples glasses tends to get them out of adjustment.Are these supposedly ';false advices'; regarding proper eye care really untrue? What do you think?
    I absolutely agree with all statements except for number 5, the eye is often sort of lifted from it's socket during some eye surgeries, not taken out but sort of lifted up.

    The human eye: proof evolution is false (i mean this as a question not a statement)?

    i was just doing a little reading.. and found this:

    Darwin famously treated the subject of eye evolution in his Origin of Species:

    ';To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree.';

    what do you think?The human eye: proof evolution is false (i mean this as a question not a statement)?
    Are you reading creationist websites? I saw you mention the immune system, the flagellum, and now this.

    I think Adia nailed it in the first answer by giving the full quote.

    I'm afraid the creationist websites don't keep up with the times, and if they do, they like to quote halfway (as in this case) or woefully out of context.

    And much of their arguments can be reduced to the irreducible complexity thing, which is bunk.

    Personally, I think your are much better off with the archives



    Immune system:………The human eye: proof evolution is false (i mean this as a question not a statement)?
    ';that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist......';

    *IF* is a big word here... its like saying IF i can find proof that ';x,y,and z'; exists well then i can prove it to be true...its possible.

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    also.. in the link you gave me about the eye:

    ';Since eyes do not fossilize well, we do not know that the development of the eye followed exactly that path, but we certainly cannot claim that no path exists.';

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    there just simply isnt enough efficient data, of course we cant say it hasnt happened, because there is no way of obtaining fossil records.

    however, i will admit...

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    ...that D. E. Nilsson and S. Pelger's paper on the eye, make wonderful sense.

    THE best argument i have read so far.

    i am still reading from Kenneth R. Miller.. who so far makes an even better argument.

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    As for the Flagellum argument.. i will admit (after a little more reading this morning) i was just plain out wrong. i was reading this:…

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    and even with my disagreement in some of the choices of speech, he (nick matzke) does show that indeed its VERY possible.

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    lastly for the immune system.. god i MUST have been out of it last night.. because even with just basic thought its VERY possible that the immune system evolves...

    it would be ridiculous to believe it didnt.

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    i was dipping in to Michael Behe works last night (and i will admit, it was very interesting to read another idea) but after doing even more reading this morning i have to agree with the others that label his science as ';Pseudoscience';

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    that link you gave me about Mr. Rothschild's cross examination of him... i found it to be so interesting.. i would have loved to see a video of this.

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    again i would like to apologize to anyone i might have upset.. i never really ever see a problem with asking any kind of question.. apparently this must be a sensitive subject for you....

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    thank you for your links acid_zebra.. and i chose your answer because well.. yours basically sums up everyone else as well..

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    I agree. The idea that the eye, either animal or human, came about by accident through natural selection is absurd. Also, the eye would have had to come about by accident in both the male and female, separately, at the same time.

    Another absurdity that proves evolution is false is the idea that a completely functioning, living cell came about by accident when a lightening bolt hit the ocean. If ';life'; was created by this lightening bolt, it had to be a completely functioning cell that could reproduce itself, otherwise it would have died soon after it was created.

    For a cell to be able to reproduce itself it has to have a semi-permeable membrane to enclose the cell but let nutrients in and waste products out. It would also have to have a nucleus within the cell with it's own semi-permeable membrane around it. In the nucleus there would have to be a very complex strand of DNA to tell the cell what to do.

    It would also have to have RNA so that the DNA could be replicated and move over to the the other side of the nucleus. Then, the cell membrane would have to fold in on itself at the same time as the nuclear membrane did the same, and form 2 identical cells (mitosis).

    The idea that this could have happened by lightning hitting an ocean is absurd and proves that evolution is false. It is especially absurd considering the fact that before there was any life on earth there would have been no dirt and that the earth's surface was composed of only rock and water (pure water- with nothing in it.). Not only no building blocks to join together but also, no nutrients for the cell to feed on.
    And then he went on to say.....?

    This is where most Creationists and Evolutionists clash. Bear in mind that creationists reckon it all happened in the space of about 10,000 years,as in (perhaps) ';Blink, ta-daah, one eye, complete and unadulterated';

    The evolutionists suggest that the eye was formed (perhaps) over many millions of years, perhaps taking several thousand ';generations'; to get it to its present state of perfection. What we actually see now is no-where near what the eye was when it first started to exist.

    Evolution is still a theory, and it can still be proved wrong, if anyone has an acceptable alternate theory which will debunk it. Problem is, that answer is NOT going to come from people who just throw their hands in the air and say ';God did it!'; The very same people would have kept telling you the world was flat, until science proved otherwsie.

    I'll go with evolution - until something better comes along.
    I already knew about that, so now we know that evolution (as producing species) not the variation in genetic frequency of allelles (proved and happens everytime any species mates).

    We have to understand some other scientific facts, which God has to revealed to us in his last and final revelation.

    Here is 3 points which are clear evidence to the miraculous nature of the Qu'ran

    1) The creation of the universe is explained by astrophysicists in a widely accepted phenomenon, popularly known as the “Big Bang.” It is supported by observational and experimental data gathered by astronomers and astrophysicists for decades. According to the “Big Bang,” the whole universe was initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there was a “Big Bang” (Secondary Separation), which resulted in the formation of Galaxies. These then divided to form stars, planets, the sun, the moon, etc. The origin of the universe was unique and the probability of it occurring by “chance” is zero.

    The Quran contains the following verse, regarding the origin of the universe:

    [021:030] Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

    The striking congruence between the Quranic verse and the “Big Bang” is inescapable! How could a book, which first appeared in the deserts of Arabia 1400 years ago, contain this profound scientific truth?

    2) In 1925 an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble provided observational evidence that all galaxies are receding from one another, which implies that the universe is expanding. The expansion of the universe is now an established scientific fact.

    This is what the Quran says regarding the formation of the universe:

    [051:047] With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space (thereof),

    Stephen Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, says: “The discovery that the universe is expanding is one of the great intellectual revolutions of the 20th century.” The Quran mentioned the expansion of the universe before man even learnt to build a telescope!

    3) Scientists say that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter. In short, huge gaseous matter or clouds were present before the formation of the galaxies. To describe initial celestial matter, the word “smoke” is more appropriate than gas.

    The following Quranic verse refers to this state of the universe by the word dukhan which means smoke:

    [041:011] Then He rose over towards the heaven when it was smoke

    Again, this fact is a corollary to the “Big Bang” and was not known to mankind during the time of the Prophet Muhammad

    What then, could have been the source of this knowledge?
    There is no particular reason Darwin's opinion is any more valuable than any other's on the subject. He introduced the idea of natural selection, but what he was introduced as a far from perfect idea, not nearly as complex as the idea that modern science has developed from it.
    Since that time science has learned of things in nature far more complex than the eye. Yet to those who believe, nothing is too complex to not have happened by chance.

    Now let me make you look silly.

    What you said is this:

    ';To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.';

    BUT, after that is:

    ';Yet reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real. How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself first originated; but I may remark that several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light, and likewise to those coarser vibrations of the air which produce sound.';

    I think it's a meow-thful
    think of what we do with micro scopes teliscopes eye glasses

    evolution has had plenty of time to evolve

    the eye is basic stuff

    yet where is its evolutionary ''steps''

    thoery of evolution is not a science
    Dude, you're straw clutching. Give up. You're fighting a tsunami with a bucket! Be at peace with Atheism. It is after all, a natural state of mind.
    Reading lying low life scum creationist web sites have you? You do know that creationist take quotes out of context don't you?

    You left out the part that comes after that portion you quoted. If you had ever read any of Darwins work you would know that his writing style was to pose problems and then would continue by answering the objections he posed.

    ';Yet reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real. How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself first originated; but I may remark that several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light, and likewise to those coarser vibrations of the air which produce sound. ';
    Try reading about the box jellyfish and the story it reveals about the evolution of the eye.…
    Sounds like Darwin was more candid than his slavish disciples.

    Eye smallness has some thing to do with being a sharp shooter, true or false?

    FALSE!!Eye smallness has some thing to do with being a sharp shooter, true or false?
    I don't know but back in WWII they found that fighter aces (those with 5 kills or more) tended to be shorter than average and had light colored eyes. I don't thnk anyone's ever explained it.Eye smallness has some thing to do with being a sharp shooter, true or false?
    false.i have small eyes and i can't hit the broad side of a barn

    False tan, eyelashes,nails,eye colour, dyed hair, silicon implants, makeup, its a con innit? who are you?

    A falsely put together (sili-big boobed, wink-in blink-in, cat scratching, hair extension pulling, TANNED, $50,000.00 B-TCH! (that's in debt)False tan, eyelashes,nails,eye colour, dyed hair, silicon implants, makeup, its a con innit? who are you?
    I'm very calm, I'm real! Thank-u,Thank-u,Thank-u!

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    False tan, eyelashes,nails,eye colour, dyed hair, silicon implants, makeup, its a con innit? who are you?
    That sounds like Paris hilton, so damn fake! lol

    Report Abuse

    Pamela Anderson
    Pamela Anderson
    What you see is what you get!
    Nearly every girl in america, but lose the silicon implant and u'll just be every girl in england
    Careful or people might think you are bitter and twisted!
    nothing wrong with giving nature a little helping hand if it makes you more confident and comfortable.
    well may be if you have them all at once otherwise they are a girls little helpers.
    Let them get on with it. Bet they feel like **** when they take off their make-up off at night. Bet they won't be able to recognise themselves. Looks fade. It's ok to add colour to your hair and wear abit of make-up as it gives you confidence but peopoe can sometimes over do it ;-)
    No not really they are just accentuation. You cant make a horrible person look good with just that can yuo?


    After having false eyelashes applied I got an eye infection can I sue them and how ???

    Assuming you had the lashes applied at a salon or other business, your first action would be to file a report with the health department or other regulatory body for that type of business in your state. You basically have to demonstrate that there was a significant breach of standard hygienic practices at the business, and that it is unlikely your infection resulted from something not related to your eyelashes.After having false eyelashes applied I got an eye infection can I sue them and how ???
    there is not enough information to correctly answer this question.

    who put them on?

    what brand?

    how long had you worn them?

    what did they apply them with?

    where the instruments used clean and sterile?

    the best way I can tell you to deal with this is call the health department and ask if there have been similar complaints.

    although it may be hard suing being one person, there might be others for a multiple lawsuit.After having false eyelashes applied I got an eye infection can I sue them and how ???
    first you would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that negligence was involved. There is an inherent risk that you assumed by consenting to the treatment. If i put false eyelashes on and left them there for an extended time, i have to assume responsibility of the increased risk of an infection. Unless you have medical bills in the thousands of dollars, this would probably cost you money to pursue.
  • short hair styles
  • 1. True or False The optc nerve of the eye sends visual information to the brain.?

    Do not ask for fun. Ask to benefit1. True or False The optc nerve of the eye sends visual information to the brain.?
    True %26amp; it is optic nerve.1. True or False The optc nerve of the eye sends visual information to the brain.?
    light or any image is reflected on retina where the optic nerves are embedded which then collect the image and transfer it to the brain.

    Eye make-up / false eyelashes?

    My eye make-up never stays on my eyes nor do false eyelashes. They seem to go quite greasy and the eyeshadow just melts into a squidge and the eyelashes come off.

    Is there anything I can do to keep both on?Eye make-up / false eyelashes?
    For eyelashes use a more expensive glue, a lot of the cheap stuff just doesn't work.

    Use a primer on your eye lids for the shadow. Mary Kay and Urban Decay both have eye primers. You put on the cream or liquid, let it dry and then apply eyeshadow. It keeps it in play, stops the oil and intensifies the colors.Eye make-up / false eyelashes?
    for fake eyelashed get a bit more expensive eyelashes, but if it still dosent work then you can get some mascaras that will lengthen your eyelashes 'miss sporty' are great at doing that and they are not expensive!

    my eye male up used to do that, it may be because your make up has gone off or sometimes it isnt very powdering so when you sweat ot sticks together but natrual collection do some very good eyshadows that do not stick together after a while in lots of diffrent colours and that isnt expensive either.

    go to boots or superdrug for eyeshadow and mascara
    Use an eye primer, I highly recommend Urban Decay Primer Potion =] x

    Water vapor is visible to the human eye. true or false ?

    it dpends on the type of water vapor, if it is steam coming from a pot/kettle, yes it is visible, room temperature is not visible, just water vorpor that was coming from ground no. id put o because water vapor isnt considered steam until the thge water has cooled.


    What would happen if false eyelash glue gets into my eye?

    Nothing really

    eyelash glue is made with special ingredients so that it won't hurt your eye, but really try not to get it into your eye because it can be a bit irritating!! if it does happen, try to flush them out with water, or try getting the glue out if possible, or blink a bunch of times!

    to help prevent getting glue into the eye, put a bit of glue onto a piece of paper, then use the opposite end of a pen to apply a thin layer to the eyelash band and let it dry for a couple of seconds, then keep your eye slightly open when you apply it! :)What would happen if false eyelash glue gets into my eye?
    It would probably blur your vision a little bit I hope it wouldn't do any personal damage to your eyes but if it got in them be sure to wash them out the best you can with water and if that doesn't work go to the ER you never can be too careful with stuff like that.What would happen if false eyelash glue gets into my eye?
    Well, i would wonder why the glue was so close to your eyeball. You are supposed to apply the lashes above your natural ones and you aren't supposed to use a whole glob of glue. Just be super careful about it. Don't be abnoxious about it.

    The old saying, ';An eye for an eye';, expresses the essence of rehabilitation. True or False?

    Actually, the ';Eye for an eye'; saying was carried out by the Babalonian ruler Hammurabi in the Code of Hammurabi.

    It is mentioned in the Bible and the Torah but

    i believe they portray it as in the quote ';An eye for and eye

    leaves everyone blind.'; In other words, turn the other cheek.

    But to answer your question False

    It's retaliation..

    Rehabilitation = Rehab

    Retaliation = Revenge

    The old saying, ';An eye for an eye';, expresses the essence of rehabilitation. True or False?
    False. Justice is the restoration of balance in a situation that has been destabilized by a crime. Even more it draws attention to one of the more sacred phrases ';Treat you neighborhood how you would treat yourself.'; Every potential criminal, on some level or another, thinks about the possible toll exacted if they are caught. If they are planning to remove someone's eye and then they realize that that well be their punishment it could make them think ';Is this really what i want?'; Vengeance is not separated from justice by motivation because motivation is regardless in Justice all the is being balanced is what has been done. Justice, as previously stated, is the restoration of balance, vengeance is not restoring balance as its toll often times does not fit the crime but also vengeance is an act of the victim justice is the act of an impartial third party. The old saying, ';An eye for an eye';, expresses the essence of rehabilitation. True or False?
    The phrase an ';an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'; comes from Exodus 21:23-25, so it is part of the Christian Bible as well as the Jewish Torah. The school of Hillel (an ancient Jewish rabbi) opposed the use of this verse to justify private vengeance. It is probably best understood as an instruction to make the punishment fit the crime and not succumb to the temptation to ';one-uppance.'; Left to their own devices, people are inclined to answer bad with worse (e.g., ';If you poke out my eye I鈥檒l poke out both of yours.';). The Torah (the Five Books of Moses) tell us here that we are not entitled to any more than has been taken from us. To refrain from responding to evil with greater evil is only the beginning of righteousness. Jesus showed the way to more positive righteousness when he admonished us to return good for evil. (Matthew 5:38).
    no that is false. it means retaliation and revenge. like a long time ago a punishment for stealing would be cutting their hand off.
    false, it expresses the essence of retaliation (revenge)
    lol retaliation not rehabilitation...

    Wood eye have a hair lip if my false teeth's chatter about my toupee were true? Just wandering?

    Eye wooden noWood eye have a hair lip if my false teeth's chatter about my toupee were true? Just wandering?
    I can't tell, I got two glass eyes.Wood eye have a hair lip if my false teeth's chatter about my toupee were true? Just wandering?
    James T Kirk, I do not beleive you wear a wig like everyone says.
  • short hair styles
  • I bought some false eyelashes...but I don't know which side is for the left and right eye?

    They look like this:鈥?/a> o_o

    (justincaseifanyonewaswondering it's a korean brand)I bought some false eyelashes...but I don't know which side is for the left and right eye?
    Rule of thumb, the shorter side of the lashes goes in by the bridge of the nose. If there is no difference, then you can apply them to either eye.I bought some false eyelashes...but I don't know which side is for the left and right eye?
    im pretty sure they're all the same, so it doesn't matter.
    It doesn't have a difference. My mom uses then and all she does is trim them so it fits her eyes.

    Did you know the big bang theory is false teaching? In a blink of the eye and BANG you gone?

    Well knowing that you, me and everything around you is composed of atoms that explode ALL the time ... it's hard not to believe in a big bang!!!

    Put the Bible aside and read normal informative books ...Did you know the big bang theory is false teaching? In a blink of the eye and BANG you gone?
    If the Big Bang is false, explain what caused the universe to start expanding?Did you know the big bang theory is false teaching? In a blink of the eye and BANG you gone?
    Flap jack flip flop banana pie.
    I *dare* you to make less sense.
    It makes WAY more sense that an invisible magic man in the sky did it inside of a week.

    Shortly after, he drowned all but a handful of humanity, then had a kid and killed him out of love.
    Could you try to be coherent?
    did you know nobody cares that you exist in this world?
    Big Bang says nothing about beign gone. It was how life was created. The CERN prjoject hopes to recreate this.

    I keep saying ';BANG!'; but this question still hasn't disappeared. You must be right.
    ROFLMAO David G summed it up perfectly

    But I watch it on TV,,???

    Please, go get the 8th Angel. Hopefully he's smarter than you....

    Would you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?

    I am not being rude as I have one of these afflictions and my friend has the otherWould you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?
    Perhaps. It would depend on the person and whether or not we had a connection. ';-)Would you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?
    I had a relationship with a man who had NO teeth. Well, he had his eye teeth only. It was rather sad. He had cancer treatments and that ruined most of his teeth. He is a vet so the VA pulled all the bad teeth and then informed him they don't pay for dentures. While with him, I paid for him to get his ';smile'; back. He was so happy! Though we are no longer together, we remain friends AND he IS paying me back for the cost of the teeth. Bottom line, it's the person on the inside that counts.
    I already have date someone with a false ear it didn't bother me it was the personality that mattered. Unfortunately in this shallow world people don't see that. You will find someone who will love you for your personality and not what you look like. It's about having a good heart I think.
    none are horrible. the only thing that would bother me would be seeing someone without their glass eye in. whoever has the glass eye: don't pop it out on your first date! I'm sure if you liked them enough it wouldn't bother you after awhile. as for the false teeth that would be wierd too to see someone without their teeth in! I guess the leg thing would bother me the least.
    Of course, why not? Loving someone is loving them entirely. :)

    Their personality is so much more important!

    Even if he's the most handsome guy in the world, if he has a bad personality, he's nothing to me.
    glass eye: if its not that noticable then prob

    wooden leg: prob

    false teeth: is he doens't show me when he doesn't take them out
    yes i would and yes i have...just because theyre not ';perfect'; doesnt make them any less of a person...

    its the inner beauty that counts not the outer beauty...
    Yes. I would chew their false parts regularly.
    love isnt about how someone looks, its about how someone is on the inside.. yes I would. It might be the best thing that ever happened to you!
    i could handle the glass eye but not the wooden leg or false teeth
    Of course, who cares about that stuff?
    If I like them , yes.
    false teeth yes, glass eye or wooden leg.....probably not.

    oh yes two glass eyes false fanny and no ear
    You love the person for who they are not there faults.
    hey its whats on the inside that counts right?

    if he's nice then yeah i would
    is he a pirate?
    it dosent matter what the outside looks like its the inside person that counts and yes i would if i liked them
    yes, why not

    it is all good

    charming is what I like, I don't care what they have other wise
    I don't know, depends on which one they have.

    Would you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?

    I am not being rude as I have one of these afflictions and my friend has the otherWould you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?
    Perhaps. It would depend on the person and whether or not we had a connection. ';-)Would you ever date somebody with a glass eye, wooden leg or false teeth?
    I had a relationship with a man who had NO teeth. Well, he had his eye teeth only. It was rather sad. He had cancer treatments and that ruined most of his teeth. He is a vet so the VA pulled all the bad teeth and then informed him they don't pay for dentures. While with him, I paid for him to get his ';smile'; back. He was so happy! Though we are no longer together, we remain friends AND he IS paying me back for the cost of the teeth. Bottom line, it's the person on the inside that counts.
    I already have date someone with a false ear it didn't bother me it was the personality that mattered. Unfortunately in this shallow world people don't see that. You will find someone who will love you for your personality and not what you look like. It's about having a good heart I think.
    none are horrible. the only thing that would bother me would be seeing someone without their glass eye in. whoever has the glass eye: don't pop it out on your first date! I'm sure if you liked them enough it wouldn't bother you after awhile. as for the false teeth that would be wierd too to see someone without their teeth in! I guess the leg thing would bother me the least.
    Of course, why not? Loving someone is loving them entirely. :)

    Their personality is so much more important!

    Even if he's the most handsome guy in the world, if he has a bad personality, he's nothing to me.
    glass eye: if its not that noticable then prob

    wooden leg: prob

    false teeth: is he doens't show me when he doesn't take them out
    yes i would and yes i have...just because theyre not ';perfect'; doesnt make them any less of a person...

    its the inner beauty that counts not the outer beauty...
    Yes. I would chew their false parts regularly.
    love isnt about how someone looks, its about how someone is on the inside.. yes I would. It might be the best thing that ever happened to you!
    i could handle the glass eye but not the wooden leg or false teeth
    Of course, who cares about that stuff?
    If I like them , yes.
    false teeth yes, glass eye or wooden leg.....probably not.

    oh yes two glass eyes false fanny and no ear
    You love the person for who they are not there faults.
    hey its whats on the inside that counts right?

    if he's nice then yeah i would
    is he a pirate?
    it dosent matter what the outside looks like its the inside person that counts and yes i would if i liked them
    yes, why not

    it is all good

    charming is what I like, I don't care what they have other wise
    I don't know, depends on which one they have.

    False eyelashes...other eye makeup first?

    Which is best when wearing false eyelashes, to apply all your liner and shadow first, or apply the lashes first?False eyelashes...other eye makeup first?
    Your falsies should come last. Even if you were to just wear mascara, your lashes should always be last, lest some shadow fall into them and make the colour murky.

    Make sure you've got an eyeliner on (to help hide the band... a lot of people are saying to do your eyeliner after: DON'T. It will end up too thick and its way harder to get the line perfectly straight. There's no better way to emphasize that the band is there then to do the liner after the lashes are already on), then curl your lashes. Apply glue to the false lashes. You don't need much, otherwise it could seep out onto your lid. (the ';preglued'; message on the box just means its enough to stick to the packaging, not your eyes! Duo is a great lash glue) and apply. If some glue does go on your lid, you can dab it away quickly with a pointed q-tip, and lightly dab a dot of liner to correct if you need. It just takes practice, but its no excuse to put the lashes on first and ruin them by covering them in eyeshadow.

    Never curl afterwards, because although most lashes are made of real hair, they'll still crimp and get ruined. Don't end it here, as a lot of people do!!

    You still need to apply mascara! This 'glues' your real lashes to the false ones, blending them in together to look more natural, and making sure that in a couple of hours, your real lashes don't start to sag giving you that horrible ';double lashes'; look, where you can see the false lashes, then a space, then your own lashes...

    Mascara won't ruin your false lashes. When you take them off at the end of the night, don't clean them with water (this will curl and ruin them), just comb them through with a clean mascara wand and pick off the glue on the band.

    Piece of cake!False eyelashes...other eye makeup first?
    everything else up first.

    fake eyelashes last.
    Apply the eyelashes first....think about it...if you mess up and have to wipe off any excess glue, the makeup is going to come off with you really want to do your eyemake up again?
    Put on all your make up first then curl your lashes. This opens up your eyes and hides the fact you're wearing false lashes when you finally put them on. I do this and people always comment on how amazing my eyelashes are. Also if you are using falsies the that are sized the length of the eye cut them in half and just glue to outer edge of eye. Also when you have cut them in half it is a good idea to place them under a heavy book for a couple of hours to flatten them out a bit before you apply them cos they can tend to be too curly and this can make them look more false. Also if you do it like this you can use the lashes several times before throwing them out saving you money. hope this helps. If your using the single lashes then forget all that about cutting flattening etc :) xx
    when puting on false lash you must put on last and makeup

    first because when you put your make up on first you might

    mess up your make up
    apply eyelinner first then false lashes then eye shaddow, dust your new eyelashes with eye shaddow (optional), then maskara.

    for curlier lashes apply vaseline on them over night but do not use false lashes the day after cos they wont stick.

    Hope i helped

    Dont put to much glue or you will get sticky eye syndrome where your eyes stick together

    Not very atractive
    I wear liquid eyeliner and false eyelashes..(cut down of course). I put a thin line then my lashes..and if i need to fix the eyeliner i do it after..i've worn eyelashes for about 5 yrs now.
    Your lashes go on last, always. Even if you get a lot of glue on, it is transparent and not visible when it dries. Or, you can get black liquid liner to go over it. Think about it ;)

    Also, putting on eyeshadow after lashes gets in the lashes and is a pain. Lashes last!
    no no theresa is Wrong don't put them on first. if you curl them and put mascara on them they will get all spiredy and bend and be unuseable again. you should be able to use false lashes a good few times by carefully removing the glue each time you take them off and put thm somewhere safe. plus if you put them on first you will get eyesshadow powdr etc on them NOT A GOOD IDEA.
    You should apply all your other make-up first, and then place the false eyelashes on.
    After eye makeup is done then lashes are applied.

    (I recommend duo transparent eye lash adhesive available at all pharmacy's .) make sure lashes will fit the lid and trim if need be on the outside edges. if your own lashes are very straight then i would curl them to better blend them with the false lashes. once lashes are on go over seem with some liquid liner be careful not to over do it the liquid can make the adhesive unstick. mascara and curl if need be a final time.
    Flaca is the only one who got this right....I wear them often and have done it both ways through trial and error..and yes, put your fake lashes on first! yes the glue is transparent when it dries, but it can and will mess up your liner and eyeshadow. Also by putting the lashes on first, you can see where you need to cover over the band with liner so it is more invisible and blends. After they are set, you can apply the rest of your makeup and curl them if you like and even apply mascara for a more dramatic effect. ALWAYS FIRST!

    TRUE OR FALSE! All scorpios and pisces make direct eye contact almost all the time?

    and why ^_^

    gracias!TRUE OR FALSE! All scorpios and pisces make direct eye contact almost all the time?

    I'm sure there are some who don't.TRUE OR FALSE! All scorpios and pisces make direct eye contact almost all the time?
    Im a scorpio....hmmmm. The eye contact thing is tricky....if I feel attracted to someone I cannot look them directly in the eye. If I dont like someone or feel exposed/vulnerable, I cannot look them in the eye. But superficially, I can look people in the eye but they don't really get the person that is really 'me' if that makes sense. Only those I feel I can trust or feel 100% comfortable with will be allowed to have that.

    And yes. I can read people very well, even before they've opened their mouths. I can spot even the tiniest lie at 100 paces. I can totally see straight through bullshit. Its very strange how all this works.

    Water signs - Scorp, Pisces, Cancer - rely on intuition and gut instincts to get through life and we are rarely incorrect about a situation. Scorpios lead the way here, because the other two are a little more emotional, dreamy and forgiving. We are less tolerant, but by no means harsh.

    fyi - scorpio and pisces=an almost perfect combination, as has been discussed many times in this section :-)
    False. Zodiac signs are based on what month you are born in, not our personality. There are too many variables to say that ALL of them would make eye contact at all. Consider the reasons somebody would avoid eye contact, and realize that somebody in this category of zodiacs would have the same reason. People are too diefferent.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I don't tend to make eye contact unless I'm REALLY comfortable with someone. I've noticed people tend to get sort of uncomfy if I do make direct eye contact, %26amp; I've had quite a few people tell me they feel like I can see right through them when I do that...which I basically can. If I look at someone, I can tell what their true motives are even if they're trying to play it off differently.
    True of Scorpio, fixed sign, and energy is outward directed.

    False of Pisces, mutable, receptive sign, and energy is inwardly directed.
    Probably. Scorpio's and Cancer's are Pisces' best match and vice versa. Both read each other well but the only problem is you don't know who's a Scorpio and who's not just by a glance.
    Now you mention it i know two Female scorpios who look into your soul

    I dont really know to many pisces..:)
    I'm a Scorpio, and I make eye contact whenever somebody is speaking to me.
    I would say yes

    most of the time

    because both signs read people well.
    hmm not necessarily. what if their rising sign makes them reluctant to do so?
  • short hair styles
  • 1.True or False light enters the eye through the pupil and cornea.?

    True1.True or False light enters the eye through the pupil and cornea.?
    The pupil is an opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye. Together with the lens, the cornea refracts light, and as a result helps the eye to focus. The cornea contributes more to the total refraction than the lens does, but, whereas the curvature of the lens can be adjusted to ';tune'; the focus depending upon the object's distance, the curvature of the cornea is fixed.1.True or False light enters the eye through the pupil and cornea.?
    That is true, but to be technically correct, it would pass through the cornea first, then the pupil.

    True or False: Booty is in the eye of the beholder?

    Someone else is watching ABC right now.

    False. It's there or it's not. :DTrue or False: Booty is in the eye of the beholder?
    i think so


    technically everyone has a booty

    the size is what varies :)

    and some ppl like little booties

    some people like BIG booties lolTrue or False: Booty is in the eye of the beholder?
    jennifer lopez is booty-full, is she not? :D

    Either you have a booty or you dont.
    Booty is in the hands of the plastic surgeon.
    Booty is in the eye of the beholder

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    In Asia, avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect true or false?

    In general, yes. (in Japan, at least)

    The point is more that direct eye-contact is considered intimidating. And direct eye contact by a child to an adult is disrespectful.

    The act of avoiding eye-contact is less about actively showing respect than it is about avoiding a show of disrespect. (At least, that's what it seems to me)In Asia, avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect true or false?
    It depends on the ethnicity of the person and gender. In Muslim communities women are forbidden to look a man in the eye on the street. It can be perceived as ';flirting'; and shames her family....

    True or False; A Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain?

    This is true. Ostrich have one of the smallest brains in proportion to thier body.True or False; A Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain?
    True! Their eggs are huge, their brains are small, but their legs %26amp; their necks are very long! True or False; A Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain?
    true ! ^-^

    False eyelashes - should I put them on before or after eye makeup?

    afterwardsFalse eyelashes - should I put them on before or after eye makeup?
    afterFalse eyelashes - should I put them on before or after eye makeup?
    after deary
    After. Otherwise they would get messed up
    you should put it on after your eye makeup. but after you put them on you have to put mascara in them to make your fake and real lashes mix together so that no one will notice hat you have false lashes.
    why do i think you should put them on before you apply your eye make up wereas everyone else thinks the opposite...???no, no , no, it should be before, otherwise it will smudge your eye makeup.
    you should do your eye makeup.

    Apply a thin liner to the lashline.

    put on mascara

    put on flase lashes

    then put on mascara again.

    MAC has a short simple video on applying false lashes鈥?/a>

    The blue whale,the world's largest creature,has the biggest eye in the animal kingdom:true or false?

    roughly it's eye is like a large dinner plateThe blue whale,the world's largest creature,has the biggest eye in the animal kingdom:true or false?
    False. The Giant Squid's eye is bigger.The blue whale,the world's largest creature,has the biggest eye in the animal kingdom:true or false?
    False. That'd be the Giant Squid (Genus Architeuthis)...although London's might be bigger.
    False! The giant squid does. It's eye is about the size of a grapefruit!

    The giant squid has the largest eyes.
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